About Me

Keeping Your Belongings Safe In A Safe I did not realise there was so much to consider when buying a safe to protect valued possessions. After my grandmother passed and left me her jewellery, I quickly became aware of my need to get a safe to protect it. Because I live in a rental property, I needed secure options which were transportable when I move to future homes. In this blog, I want to share with you my findings on the best types of safe and the best location to hide a safe, so you can keep your personal belongings safe and sound too. You can use my research to help you whittle down your safekeeping needs quickly.




A Kid Car-Tastrophe! What to Do When Your Child Locks Themself in the Car

As the RSPCA points out, the temperature can rise dangerously quickly inside a stationary vehicle. On a 29°C day when a vehicle's starting internal temperature is just 20°C, it takes only ten minutes for the temperature to climb to 44°C inside the car. A further ten minutes can see the vehicle's internal temperature climb to a potentially deadly 60.2°C! You wouldn't leave your dog inside a vehicle on a warm day, which is why it can be a critical situation if your child were to lock themselves inside your car. Some instances of such a situation can be more dangerous than others, so it's vital that you take appropriate and quick action.

First Things First

Sometimes the most efficient solutions are the most obvious. If your child is old enough to understand and if the lock-in has not occurred as the result of a mechanical failure, try to coax them into unlocking the door. If the lock-in has taken place at home, try to locate your spare set of keys if you should have some onhand.

When the Lock-In Occurs While Out and About

If your child should lock themselves in your car in a private car park (such as at a shopping centre), you have several options which can quickly remedy the situation.

  • Call centre management while remaining with your vehicle. They can dispatch security personnel who might be able to gain entry to your vehicle.

  • If your insurance includes roadside assistance, call this service. Stress the urgency of the matter. They can send a patrol officer immediately who can open the car.

  • On a hot day when the situation can quickly become dangerous, call 000. Given the danger involved, police will arrive in order to open your car and free your child.

When the Lock-In Occurs at Home

The situation can still be critical on a hot day, so if the urgency of the situation warrants it, call a roadside assistance provider or emergency services. If it's late at night and the temperature is mild, you can also simply call an automotive locksmith. You still need to request an immediate callout, but this can be a quick, no-fuss approach when emergency services are not required.

Yes, sometimes a lock-in can be rather a dangerous situation requiring an emergency response, but hopefully this will never be the case. Still, an accidental lock-in can occur, so it's important to know what to do.
